I haven't been doing Pasta Presto for a while because I haven't posted or eaten much pasta lately. Then today I was over at Once Upon a Feast, and realizing how much I missed her event, I decided to make some pasta for lunch.
That said, I didn't have much in the fridge. Oh, I should say that I have a full fridge of odds and ends. I have been trying to beat through my CSA basket and the impulse buys at the market, but frankly I have not been able to keep up. The thing about the CSA is that you sign up in the spring with every good intention and come late August you realize that many, many fruits and vegetables ripen at the same time. It is fun and exciting but also guilt producing. I had a handful of amaranth leaves, some radishes and a bunch of oh so pretty cranberry beans. I sauteed the amaranth with lots of garlic, added cooked homemade frozen pasta and some of its water, curry powder, salt, white pepper, and a couple squeezes of agave nectar. Then, I tossed it with cranberry beans that were cooked with plenty of sauteed garlic. Finally, some sea salt and thin slivers of radish. Voila, Pasta Presto, hosted by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast.
Those cranberry beans are GORGEOUS. I'm gearing up to cook my scarlet runners, hoping they don't lose their color too much when cooked.
Wonderful pasta dish. :)
This looks really good! I love anything with radishes.
I've never had amaranth - but aren't those beans pretty? They look like little polished agates.
Wow, what an amazing combination, beautiful, delicious and unusual. And you've stumped me in a culinary way...what are amaranth leaves? Do tell! This looks, again, delish!
Heather: oh, can't wait to hear about the scarlett runners. It is hard that they loose their colors.
Candy: glad to hear it.
Foodycat & Erinn@SundayDish: yeah, sorry about that. I will write about it later this week.
Amaranth leaves, huh. I always love hearing about a new food. That's probably one of the best things about CSA boxes...the surprise when you open it.
The pasta looks awesome. Glad to see you back at Presto Pasta Nights.
Ruth, you are exactly right about CSAs. It makes you stretch as a cook. and thanks for having me back.
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