Thursday, January 31, 2008

Potatoes for the Infirmed

Belle was not feeling well today, so she was on a white food diet--starches, soy milk and bananas. So far, food is not a struggle, so she didn't really notice the restrictions. I ended up giving a friend a ride home, so I was late coming home. I asked my husband to make potato bread, a recipe from M--'s dad.

When I came home, baby was dancing (arms only right now) to 80s music, and there were beautiful flat breads being tossed in a pan. It turned out that we were low on potatoes, so we only had enough bread for Belle. She ate them with a side of yoghurt, and seemed happy enough to eat alone while the whole family watched on. Sadly, she was so cranky, I not only missed out on cooking or her but also playing with her, because right after dinner she went to bed.

Potato Bread
Mash together
3 small red potatoes or 1 baking potato (baked or microwaved)
1/2 block silken tofu (soft)

1 cup (or so) Wheat flour until you get a soft workable dough

Pan cook until brown in pan without oil.

Ideally, I would have put in some grated, cooked cauliflower or some sauteed onions, but not for Belle today .

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