Every parent is overjoyed by their children's successes. I, certainly, feel very proud that since last year I have, not one, but two readers. That said, their reading has caused me certain inconveniences.
Last year, I found myself the only literate member of our little crafting circle, so I was able to make all the choices without impunity. This year the girls have the added ability to be able to make meaning of what was just gobbletygook under those pretty pictures on Pinterest. Research plus volition equals trouble.
We made a list. I bought some supplies. And, we got to getting on. Or rather, more accurately, we tried to make bouncy balls at home, attempted to make a snow globe that didn't leak, and made terrariums that could more aptly be called sedum genocide. In the end, we came to an important conclusion--the internet lies. Lies. All lies.
The challenge about home craft compared to my day job making art with students is that you are often trying things for the first time with your kids. In the classroom, you always pre-try your project. There is nothing more horrifying that sitting in a room with 35 high school students when you don't quite know if your paper-making project is going to work. Rather than experience anarchy or embarrassment, you always pre-test your project.
At home, you would basically need to craft by night and parent by day (and take something special to sustain that pace) to be able to try out the project before doing it with your children. So, instead, you and your children become intrepid explores in the wilds of the internet how-to-verse. With that in mind, we have started testing things and assessing the success of these little projects.
And, if you want to see this test in action...